A short summary of the most important copyright info about DreyLoft Interactive
apps, sounds, pictures, etc.
It is prohibited to publish, share or sell DreyLoft Interative apps (including freeware apps) by third parties.
It is allowed to use parts of the websites content and sourcecode for private use only. Publishing or commercial usage of the website content or source code is prohibited.
Music and other sounds may unless the author is DreyLoft Interactive is free to download and copied in the private sector, if it is here provided to download seperate.
A wider distribution over the Internet or other sources, as well as the commercial use aswell as the extraction out of apps is prohibited.
When used music from third parties, the conditions of use of these apply. These conditions must be placed on the experience itself.
The shown photos and videos may be downloaded and used for free for the private usage, a wider distribution over the Internet or other sources, as well as the commercial use is prohibited.
The terms and conditions mentioned above may be changed by agreement in individual cases, please contact us for more information.